Stained Glass Retailers

When one starts talking about stained glass, most people’s minds drift to a scene in a church built upon old world architecture and other biblical structures of rich history and lore. However, most don’t realize that stained glass is found is far more places than those.


In fact, the evolution of this decorative display feature has come a long way since the turn of the last millennium and you can frequently find them being used in more and more contemporary households these days. Apart from stylishly designed new homes, stained glass is also used very often in hotels, restaurants and even clubs and bars. Its popularity stems from the fact that it is so easy pleasing to the eye, aesthetically gorgeous, yet relatively inexpensive and easy to maintain.

Where To Get Stained Glass

If you are one of those who are looking towards sprucing your home up with some stained glass designs, rest assured that you are not alone. Fortunately though, with the advent and fast gaining popularity of stained glass windows and panes, this unique decorative feature has also become much easier to get for the common folk. In fact, for those of you who are well trained in the art of DIY or working with glass, it is even possible to make your own little stained glass pieces and save some money in the process. Nonetheless, for most of the rest of us, professional stained glass retailers will be the way to go.

Before looking for stained glass retailers, bear in mind that what you are looking for is a certified professional here. There will be many places, both online and in the physical world, that seem to sell high quality stained glass which are actually poor replicas. They might look good for awhile but they certainly won’t pass the test the time. Make it a point to avoid buying from these dealers if you want your stained glass panels to look good and last a long time.

To start off your search for stained glass retailers, look towards business listings such as the Yahoo business directory. Businesses have to pay $200 per year to get listed in it so only the more serious businesses usually bother. Another good place to search is the US business directory listing. For every other country out there, do a quick scan through your local business listings.

Bargain Buys

The good thing about directory listings is that you can often find wholesalers of stained glass in there. These guys sell their items at very low costs so if you can convince them to sell it to you with large group buys or similar efforts, you tend to save a lot of money in the acquisition of your materials. Nonetheless, even if the wholesalers refuse to sell, there will still be many professional stained glass retailers around for you to sift through.

The next thing you want to do is to get a list of numbers. Start calling the stained glass retailers and inquiry about their wares. Finally, settle on a stained glass retailer that you are comfortable with.

Stained Glass Retailers